From Ultimate Family Tree (UFT) to TMG
If you desire to convert UFT data to TMG, there are several factors you should keep in mind (Moving from UFT to TMG). You can also read the lead article in the August 2000 newsletter.
Additional information is on the RUG's UFT FAQ page.
From Family Gathering to TMG
Open TMG and use the Import function, which will accept either a Family Gathering project (*.PRO) or a Family Gathering backup file (*.SQZ). As recommended for all migrations, make a few trials, checking the options you have chosen to see if they give the results you desire, before making a final conversion.
Additional information is on the RUG's Family Gathering FAQ page.
Open TMG and use the Import function, which will accept either a ROOTS V project (*.PRO) or a ROOTS V backup file (*.SQZ). As recommended for all migrations, make a few trials, checking the options you have chosen to see if they give the results you desire, before making a final conversion.
Additional information is on the RUG's ROOTS V FAQ page.
Open TMG and use the Import function, which will accept either a ROOTS IV project (*.PRO) or a ROOTS IV backup file (*.SQZ). As recommended for all migrations, make a few trials, checking the options you have chosen to see if they give the results you desire, before making a final conversion.
Additional information is on the RUG's ROOTS IV FAQ page.
Open TMGv4d (only TMGv4d) and use the Import function, which will accept a ROOTS III file (*.EDB). As recommended for all migrations, make a few trials, checking the options you have chosen to see if they give the results you desire, before making a final conversion.
Additional information is on the RUG's ROOTS III FAQ page.