RUG Newsletter Index - Software Products for 2004
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Members: Links are to the full issue of that month's Newsletter.
Family Tree SuperTools
| GenSmarts
| Second Site
| The Master Genealogist
| Ultimate Family Tree
Family Tree SuperTools
- A Cautionary Note for Windows 95 Users (Feb 2004)
Second Site
- Second Site Version 1.6 (May 2004)
- On This Day With Mocakebi - An Overlooked Utility (Feb 2004)
- Second Site Now Has Lists and Image Mapping (Feb 2004)
The Master Genealogist
- Bob Velke Special Presentation Planned at December RUG Meeting (Dec 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Dec 2004)
- Custom Tool-Bar Manager (Dec 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Nov 2004)
- Bob Velke Special Presentation Planned at December RUG Meeting (Nov 2004)
- Backup from TMG Straight to a CD-R/RW Drive (Nov 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Oct 2004)
- Transferring from UFT to TMG5 (Oct 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Sep 2004)
- Journal, Preview, Endnotes, and Bibliography Reports (Sep 2004)
- Friday Night Get-Together Before Saturday TMG Classes (Aug 2004)
- TMG 5.15 Released! (Aug 2004)
- RUG Hosts Bob Velke TMG Class in August (Aug 2004)
- UK Edition of TMG Posted (Aug 2004)
- Customizing TMG Source Templates to Fit Your Needs (Aug 2004)
- Addendum to TMG Tags Tutorial June 2004 (Jul 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Jul 2004)
- TMG 5.14 Released! (Jul 2004)
- RUG Hosts Bob Velke TMG Class in August (Jul 2004)
- Win TMG 5.11 With Book! (Jul 2004)
- TMG Sources -- A Tutorial (Jul 2004)
- Win TMG 5.11 With Book! (Jun 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Jun 2004)
- RUG Hosts Bob Velke TMG Class in August (Jun 2004)
- TMG 5.13 Released! (Jun 2004)
- Using TMG Tags -- A Tutorial (Jun 2004)
- Catherine's Column (May 2004)
- RUG Hosts Bob Velke TMG Class in August (May 2004)
- Kudos About TMG 5.12 (May 2004)
- New TMG Users Group Forming in Michigan (May 2004)
- TMG 5.12 Released! (May 2004)
- Advice from Darrell Martin: Clean up Your Database (May 2004)
- Repetitive Footnotes (May 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Apr 2004)
- TMG "Advanced" Video Now Available on DVD (Apr 2004)
- Future Printing of GTMOOTMG (Apr 2004)
- RUG Not Purchasing TMG Videotapes/DVDs for Resale (Apr 2004)
- GenSmarts - A Research Tool (Apr 2004)
- A Cautionary Note for Users With Small Screen Resolutions (Mar 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Mar 2004)
- Setting Up TMG 5 – Layouts, Tool Bars, and Preferences (Mar 2004)
- A Cautionary Note for Windows 95 Users (Feb 2004)
- Errata Posted About Lee Hoffman's Book (Feb 2004)
- On This Day With Mocakebi - An Overlooked Utility (Feb 2004)
- Second Site Now Has Lists and Image Mapping (Feb 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Feb 2004)
- The Master Genealogist Version 5.11 CD Released (Jan 2004)
- Catherine's Column (Jan 2004)
- Cleaning Up Citations and Sources (Jan 2004)
Ultimate Family Tree
- Transferring from UFT to TMG5 (Oct 2004)
Last Update September 2020. Questions to
RUG Webmaster.